Danielle Cancholas Portfolio

                                                    California Trip!

    The trip to California was awesome! I never thought id go to California with my school. But It was a blast! I got to really know the classmates that went with us. When we were down there in LA, we did things I never thought id do. We feed the homeless, went to the holocaust museum. When we feed the homeless it was definitely a great experience. I got to listen to peoples storeys of why they are homeless. We compared how our lives were different and boy, was there a lot of differences between the two. We went to 2 different centers of homeless people. The first one thy put us to work doing office stuff, cleaning, washing clothes and more. The second center we actually made the food and served it to the homeless. When we served it thy came in different groups, 1st was all men, 2nd all woman, 3rd was single parents with children, 4th was the whole family! It was very shocking to see how many homeless people there was in LA alone!


    The holocaust Museum was pretty cool. When we first got in there it was like going through high tech airport security. You couldn’t take any pictures, have any phones, cameras, or anything with you. We then went through this building with wooden carved people and listen to the story, which was about 3 hours long. Then we got to the part were you get a card with a person on it, and you put it in this computer and it prints off their storey. That brought tears to my eyes. Then you keep walking through the building and it takes you to the Gas Chambers (well what they looked like) and sat in there and it told the storeys of what happened in those Gas Chambers. 

    The trip was also filled with trips to the beach, to the movies, to Hollywood, down town LA. We went to 2 beaches.. Went to the movies at this huge Mall.. Best of all we went Hollywood, took a limo through the famous people house’s ( talking about big houses). Overall my trip to California was amazingly fun! If I ever had the chance to go down there with the school again I would totally be down!